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What Are the Benefits Of Using Smudging Sprays

What Are the Benefits Of Using Smudging Sprays
Smudging sprays are a great way of using traditional smudging to cleanse and protect wherever you go. Smudging sprays are an alternative to traditional smudging using smudging sticks and herbs. This makes it easy to integrate cleansing rituals into your daily life. It's also a great alternative for people who are sensitive to smoking. Smudging sprays can be used whenever you want to purify yourself, your house, or anything you are using of negative energies. You can carry it around with you all day, so it's not just a smokeless alternative to smudging. You can use smudging sprays anywhere you want without being noticed. Smudging sprays can improve your well-being and boost your positive energy. After using the smudge spray imagine your negative emotions and thoughts going away. Then, take a few deep cleansing breathes to end the process. 

To Cleanse Your Skin, We Recommend Using Smudging Sprays:
Feeling down, sluggish or tired during times of grief or break-up
After a difficult, stressful day
When you're in the company negative energy-filled people
After you have performed energy healing, massage or Reiki sessions
Before meditation, yoga, and manifestation rituals
Anytime you like

Cleaning your workplace and home

It's crucial to remove negative energy from the places you spend the most time. Smudging can be very beneficial for your home, car, workplace, and any other area where you spend most of the time. A quick smudge spray of smudging oil can help you switch between work and personal life if you work from home. It is recommended to use smudging products to clean your home.

Moving into a new apartment or home
Children are afraid of monsters in their rooms
Negative people may have visited your home.
Something negative happened at your home
Cleansing a taxi, limousine, or party bus between customers
A smoke-free alternative to cleaning your office

Cleansing Crystals, Gemstone Jewelry

You probably already know that crystals and spiritual jewelry such as gemstone jewelry require regular cleaning because they absorb certain energies. Negative energies can build up in crystals and gemstone jewelry. A smudging spray is one of the most effective ways to clean crystals. To give your crystals a thorough clean, run cold water through them. After drying, dry them and then spray the smudge solution lightly on their surfaces. Keep your gemstone jewelry and crystals in a clean place to prevent them from getting dirty between uses. Spray crystals before and after meditation or healing sessions to keep them clean.

Finally, let go of all energy that does not serve me.

All of us experience intrusive, negative thoughts patterns from time to another. It's normal. You may have negative energy that is causing you to think things like "I'm too bad," "I don't deserve good things," "I can't succeed," etc. These negative thoughts can be passed on to us by others or can be ingrained in us through our culture and upbringing. This mantra can be repeated while you smudge your home or body to help release negative energy and allow for positive thoughts.
What Are the Benefits Of Using Smudging Sprays

What Are the Benefits Of Using Smudging Sprays
